Organ Art Media 1885 Friedrich Ladegast Wernigerode Sachsen Germany
Achat immédiat: 368.00 CHF
This mid-sized work of Friedrich Ladegast is one of his last examples of a three-manual mechanical action organ with manual cone-valve chests, a slider pedal chest and a Barker machine.
Except for the reconstruction of the tin front pipes and the replacement of the Lieblich Gedackt on Manual III by a Vox Coelestis, carried out by Oskar Ladegast, the instrument is completely original.
The instrument was comprehensively restored by the firm of Schuke (Potsdam) in 1989-1991, providing us once again with one of the last original organs from this period. A general overhaul of the organ was completed in 2010 by the firm of Hüfken (Halberstadt), following the renovation of the church.
The organ has a wide range of tonal colours, from Baroque-like sounds to the early Romantic period with delicate and expressive flute tones, to the powerful eight foot sounds of the late Romantic. The wide range of eight and four foot stops offer many possibilities in building up the plenum.
Ladegast takes a special position within the German Romantics, such as with the classic repetitive Mixtures and a large number of distinctive and idiosyncratic foundation stops.
The beautiful string and flute stops such as the Doppelflöte, Flauto amabile, Flauto travers, Gamba and Salicional, each with a strong individual character but with excellent mixing qualities, offering a wide array of tonal colours.
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Recording technique
The organ was recorded in July 2012 with 48 kHz, 24 bit, multi-channel for Hauptwerk 4, using the multi-release technique introduced by OrganArt. The stops were recorded with multiple release levels for short, medium and long key attacks for optimal acoustical mapping. The set supports 4-channel surround/variable listening perspective.
Manual I (C–f3*)
Middle Manual
01. Bordun 16
02. Principal 8
03. Gambe 8
04. Doppelflöte 8
05. Bordunalflöte 8
06. Principal 4
07. Gemshorn 4
08. Rauschpfeife 2fach
09. Mixtur 4fach
10. Cornett 3fach
11. Trompete 8
Manual II (C–f3*)
Lower Manual
01. Quintatön 16
02. Geigenprincipal 8
03. Salicional 8
04. Rohrflöte 8
05. Flauto amabile 8
06. Flauto minor 4
07. Octave 4
08. Progressio 2-4fach
09. Clarinette 8' (free reed)
* Extended version
Manuals C-g3
Pedal C-f1
Manual III (C–f3*)
Upper Manual in swell (foot lever)
01. Flauto travers 8
02. Viola d'amore 8
03. Vox celestis 8
04. Octavflöte 4
Pedal (C–d1*)
01. Principal 16'
02. Violon 16'
03. Subbaß 16'
04. Quinte 5 1/3'
05. Octave 8'
06. Baßflöte 8'
07. Cello 8'
08. Octave 4'
09. Posaune 16'
Temperament: Equal (a1=440 Hz)
Cone-valve chest with mechanical tracker action,
Barker machine for Manual I
Additional stops
Manual Coupler I (II-I)
Manual Coupler II (III-I)
Pedal Coupler (I-P)
Playing Aids
Collecting levers
Pedal Forte, Piano
Manual Mezzoforte, Forte, Fortissimo
Swell lever Man. III
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